Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Best Bedtime Story. Ever.

"Once upon a time there was a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny pet. He was reading a tiny book. The end."

Story by Olivia, writing under her pen name Stinkerbell

Friday, December 14, 2007

Olivia's Words of Wisdom

"Spongebob is not a sponge. He's cheese. He's very yummy."

8:34 pm
I figured she was asleep - she'd been quiet for a good 10 minutes. But she had a thought, a revelation if you will, and felt the need to share it.

So. Now you know. Spongebob? Just a hunk of cheese masquerading as a sponge.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Snow, Snow, Do you like the snow?

I want to know. Do you like it in your face? Do you like it every place?

Between the click of the light, and the start of the dream...

Is apparently about 10 seconds. Okay, so not so much from the click of the light, but from the time you stop moving / talking / whining / scratching / singing / thrashing / dancing your fingers up and down your headboard.

How nice to be able to lay down and simply go to sleep. There's no in between for a 2 year old. You are either sleeping or awake. There's no thinking about what you didn't accomplish today. No stressing about whether he/she took your comment the wrong way. No wondering how you're going to get everything done at work tomorrow.

But it might take some time to wind down from all that finger dancing...