Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tattooing Your Little Sister

I should learn to check on the girls when I hear crazy giggling.

Meredith hollers "Mommyyyyyyyyyyy. Olivia drew on her face!" Olivia walks out of the playroom with black marker on her forehead and chin (in a strange beard-like shape). Yes, it had to be black marker. I take her into the bathroom, telling her all the while that we don't draw on our skin. "Markers are for paper, not faces." As I'm wiping the (thank god) dry-erase marker off her forehead she says "Look at the bootiful flower Mer-dith drew." She lifts up the skirt of her dress to show me a flower on her thigh. Aha. I ask Olivia if she drew on her face before Meredith drew the flower or after. She says "Mer-dith was first." So I call Meredith it and ask the same question, half expecting the opposite answer. She admits to drawing on Olivia's leg first and starts to walk off. While I'm asking her to "wait just a minute...we're not done here," Olivia pulls down the front of her dress to show me the sunshine on her chest. I asked Meredith if she did this as well. She says "no, I don't know who did that one." Now Olivia is pretty good at drawing abstract rainbows and guitars, but she's never drawn a sun that LOOKS like a sun. On her own chest, no less. So I ask Olivia if she drew the sun. She too says "I don't know who drew that." Interesting. Thankfully, all the art washes off.

I send Olivia off and ask Meredith why she thought it would be okay to draw on her sister. "Is that something we do? Don't we draw on paper, not sisters?" She says "but Uncle Jason drew on his foot."

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I took Meredith to the dentist today for the first time. I am confident I was more nervous than she was leading up to the appointment. She honestly had no idea what to expect, and rather than make her nervous trying to explain all the odd things they'd do, I didn't say much. But she was a trooper. She only gagged a few times when they took x-rays, and her reaction to the water/suction combo was priceless. She got some good "prizes" to bring home - a new pink toothbrush, "big-kid" toothpaste, an egg timer to help guide how long to brush, and a balloon. The only real complaint she had was that the gloves the technician used tasted "kinda yucky."

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pomp and well, you know

Today was picture day at preschool. Meredith got all dressed up in a new dress and slept in curlers so her hair would be perfect. We were primed for pictures. So this afternoon she mentions, out of the blue, that she wore a "funny red costume for pictures." When I asked her about it she said it was "really loose and silky and had a funny hat that was flat on the top."

Guess they take graduation seriously in pre-kindergarten.