Sunday, October 12, 2008

The 2nd Greatest Holiday

I'm learning that Halloween isn't to be taken lightly when you've got children. I was informed (by Meredith) that on October 1st it was okay to put our Halloween decorations out. Seems a bit early if you ask me. But rather than field daily inquiries as to when the decorations would be out, I caved. So we are sooooo ready for Halloween. We've been to the pumpkin patch (twice), our house is spookified, we've got costumes picked out, and the kids are already planning for a night of heavy trick-or-treating. Meredith told me that her bag last year got too heavy for her so maybe she should have two bags, that way Daddy can carry the first load after it gets full. That's when I realized just how great this holiday is in the mind of a 6 year old.

Look at it this way...

Christmas: Decorations are in stores way early to allow for adequate anticipation - in fact, they're available just after the Halloween stuff is moved to the clearance aisles.

Halloween: Decorations and costumes are available just after back-to-school stuff is taken off the shelves.

Christmas: Lots of time spent visiting family and friends.

Halloween: Ditto, just much, much shorter visits. And with the added bonus of wearing dress-up clothes.

Christmas: Delicious desserts, candy canes, holiday cookies.

Halloween: Candy for months. Literally.

Christmas: Santa visits and brings lots of presents.

Halloween: Um, candy. For months. AND you get new dress-up clothes.

So Happy (early) Halloween! Look for pictures of a cheetah and ballerina very soon...