Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's a bit early for Halloween

But check out this toothy smile!

Meredith lost not one, but two teeth. TODAY. The first she lost at Gramma's, and apparently she didn't miss it much. In fact, she didn't even know it was gone. As she was talking I said "did you lose your tooth today?" and she replied "no." Um, then what happened to it? You could literally see it dawning on her and she said "so that's what that was!" She was eating Sun Chips and thought she found "a nut" so she spit it back into her bowl. Sure 'nuff, the bowl was sitting there with a tooth resting on a Sun Chip. As we were checking out the gap Gramma noticed how crooked another tooth looked. We wiggled it and you could tell there was just a tiny thread holding in it place. So as we put the first tooth in her Tooth Fairy Box tonight we decided to give it a tug. It didn't take much! She's expecting a haul tonight from the Tooth Fairy, and I'm sure she'll deliver.

Of course, not to be outdone...

1 comment:

JasonToo said...

Flattering photos of both...