Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fresh Eyes

On Friday after school, Olivia climbed into the car and started her usual commentary about what she had learned / played with / snacked on at school. After hearing all about the rainbow-colored goldfish snack she started telling me that they learned all about how sometimes people have different skin. I waited, wanting to see what was coming next. She told me how her skin was different from everyone in her class, "even Miss Susan's!" She told me that doesn't matter, we're all just people on the inside. I was impressed. Then she says, "Dr. Martin Lou the King taught us that. He's the King you know." Aha, lesson learned.

Yesterday we had a conversation about today's significance: the inauguration. Meredith seemed to understand how important it was, I'm guessing partly because of how involved she was in the election. She told me that "it is the day Rock Obama turns into the President." Like there's a flash of lightning and puff of smoke...tada!

So as I sit here listening to the inauguration coverage, I am grateful that my girls have a chance to see things with their fresh, unbiased eyes. And I'm hopeful for our new president, Rock Obama.

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